Investing in Infrastructure
Mayor Broome established a coalition of business, industry, community and citizens to pass the largest infrastructure improvement initiative in parish history. Her MOVEBR program is working to improve our roadways, decrease congestion, and make East Baton Rouge Parish safer for all of our residents.
In 2018, 61% of voters said yes to moving EBR forward to:
- Community enhancements that will improve the appearance of EBR
- 3,000 new jobs for greater opportunity and economic outlook.
- Over 70 projects that will build new road capacity
- Increasing mobility throughout our parish
- Bringing our traffic management software into the 21st Century
- $255 annual savings to taxpayers
- $636 million in New Capacity Improvements
- $170 million in Improvements to Existing Corridors
- $65.8 million in Community Enhancements
- $40 million in Advanced Traffic Management Software & Equipment Upgrades

Progress by the Numbers:
Mayor Broome helped secure over $2 billion in infrastructure investments for Baton Rouge citizens. We are prioritizing infrastructure that will leave a lasting impact for generations to come.
- $350 million to widen Interstate-10 in Baton Rouge
- $52 million for Pecue Lane Interchange to connect Women’s Hospital to I-10
- $22.4 million dollars for rehabilitation of over 100 miles of City-Parish roads
MOVEBER is transforming the flow of government contracts so that a more equitable share of design, construction, architectural, and professional contracts will be directed over the next four years towards women-owned, minority-owned, and small businesses.
Drainage and Flood Mitigation
One of Mayor Broome’s many signature accomplishment was her work in collaboratively securing more than $600 million in federal funding to address the most necessary drainage projects that will mitigate future flooding impacts, including the Comite River Diversion Canal; and the Five Tributaries Project, which will reduce flooding along 5 sub-basins: Jones Creek, Ward Creek, Bayou Fountain, Blackwater Bayou, and Beaver Bayou. Funding for these projects include:
- $343 million to fully fund the Comite River Diversion Canal
- $255 million to enhance five major tributaries in East BatonRouge Parish
- $104 million in Hazard Mitigation funding to improve resiliency
Through the Stormwater Master Plan, key tributaries and waterways will be addressed in a comprehensive manner to ensure a drainage system that can better respond to the more frequent rain events we are seeing today.
Mayor Broome has not only worked to secure the funding for the massive work we need done but she has put a keen focus on having boots on the ground doing the work to address our drainage issues.
Progress by the Numbers:
DPW has implemented the Total Spray Program to address growing vegetation that blocks and slows drainage. In 2019 alone, DPW has:
- Sprayed a total of 1,199 total acres of drainage canals
- Completed over 1,400 service requests in just the year 2020 to help improve drainage.